Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Reflection on the Process

End of Year Reflection

Hello soon-to-be-Middle Schoolers!

Congratulations! You are nearing the completion of your SPIRIT Research Project! 

Take a moment to THINK about the processes of Research: 
  • Taking notes and citing sources
  • Using online and print resources
  • Working with technology on the Google web site and laptops
  • Poster creation and presentation

Post a comment about the experiences you had with ONE of these tasks, telling me...

What was the BEST about it and what was the WORST about it?

Have a great summer!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

This Week in SPIRIT

This week in SPIRIT the students are continuing to take notes and cite sources for their ocean projects via Google Classroom, while others on their team work on moving the content in the notes to the website, checking for spelling and grammar, and revising as needed. Finally, other team members have begun the long-awaited poster creation sessions for a handcrafted visual display about their ocean problem.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


This week in SPIRIT students have begun moving content to their technology projects, while the other members of their team continue to research facts from the Internet about their topics. Also new this week is the creation of visual posters by other members of each team. I can't wait to see how they come out. Let's keep going, the projects are really coming together now!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Teamwork and Digital Citizenship

Good Morning,

Please choose ONE question to answer below.

Make sure you check your spelling and grammar BEFORE you post.

1. What is one way you can work well with your team during a team challenge?

2. Name one IB Learner Profile Trait. Tell what it means and tell how you have used that trait this year in SPIRIT.

3. What is one way that you can practice good digital citizenship on the Internet?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ocean Problems

Good Morning 5th Graders,

Please choose ONE question below to answer. If you have more time, you may choose additional questions to answer. Put the number of the question you are answering. Use FULL and COMPLETE sentences with POQ in your answers.

1. What topic is your team going to research and why did your team choose that topic?

2. What are you wondering about--what questions do you have about the ocean problem you are researching?

3. Why do you think that people should be aware of problems with the ocean? What do you think people can do about it?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Digital Citizenship and Teamwork

Good Morning 5th Graders,

Choose ONE question below to answer. Put the number of the question you are answering.

Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar before you post.

1. What is one way that you can practice good digital citizenship?

2. Why is it important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge?

3. Name one way you can tell a website is reliable.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hello 5th Grade!

We have been learning about Plagiarism in SPIRIT.

Please choose ONE question to answer.

1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?

2. What are some ways you could avoid plagiarizing?

3. Why do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?