Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ocean Problems

Ocean Ecology

What is marine debris?

Why is it important to study the causes of marine debris?

What might be some other problems in our oceans that need attention?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ms. Boulanger's Blog Question


Good Morning Students,

Welcome back from a while away from SPIRIT. Today we would like you to think about a problem you know about with the OCEAN, and post a comment about it. Some problems with the ocean you can think about are:


Oil Spills

Animals in Danger (caught in nets, hurt by pollution)

Why do you think these are problems?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Ocean Ecology

 Ocean Ecology

What is marine debris?

Why is it important to study the causes of marine debris?

What might be some other problems in our oceans that need attention?

Friday, January 31, 2014



Good Morning!

Choose ONE question below to answer.

Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar before you post.

What is one way that you can practice good digital citizenship?

Why is it important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge?

Name one way you can tell a website is reliable

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Hello 5th Grade!

We have been learning about Plagiarism in SPIRIT.

Please choose ONE question to answer.

1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?

2. What are some ways you could avoid plagiarizing?

3. Why do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized? 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Digital Citizenship

Good Morning!

Choose ONE question below to answer.

Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar before you post.

What is one way that you can practice good digital citizenship?

Why is it important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge?

Name one way you can tell a website is reliable

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Hello 5th Grade!

We have been learning about Plagiarism in SPIRIT.

Please choose ONE question to answer. Tell me what question you are answering. Write at least 3 sentences.

1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?

2. What are some ways you could avoid plagiarizing?

3. Why do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?