Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Hello 5th Grade!

We have been learning about Plagiarism in SPIRIT.

Please choose ONE question to answer. Tell me what question you are answering. Write at least 3 sentences.

1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?

2. What are some ways you could avoid plagiarizing?

3. Why do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?


  1. Plagiarism is wrong because when you take credit for someone elses work it might make other people beeive you. If people beileve you they probably will want to ask you about what you posted you most likely will not have an answer. Now that's publid humiliation.

  2. Sorry about the grammar. Typo. :(

  3. awesome from har murphy

  4. You would feel guilty for what you did since plagirism is bad. Plagrism means you copy something and say it's yours. Someone must have worked hard on it and they feel bad.

    1. plagiarism is when you take someone elses ideas and make them into your own.

    2. plagiarism is bad because its when you copy somone like in a science project they will say its yours.

  5. You can avoid plagrism by paraphrasing. Or you could cite the source you got your information from. One last way you could avoid plagrism is dont copy the information you found word for word.

  6. you can advoid plagiarism by reading the text. Then you can think about what you read. Then put it in to your own and kepping the facts true

  7. plagiarism is when you copy someones work and call it your own and you can go to jail

  8. Some ways you can avoid plagiarizing is to read the passage that is written and try to memorise the facts. Then just don't look at the site you are looking at and try to paraphrase.

  9. Plagiarism is copying something down exactly the same thing from an already published. You can go to jail for plagiarism when you are 18 or older. If you do think about the publisher and how they would feel if you called it your work.

  10. plagiarism is when copy someone elses work word for word and not citing there work(giving credit and telling were you got your work from);you can prevent yourself from plagirsing by paraphrasing.

  11. Plagiarism is when you make som whons writing your own.DYLANROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Plagiarism is when you copy exact sentences from a website or a book. To avoid plagiarism you can quote someone or give credits. A good way to avoid it is to paraphrase.

  13. Plagiarism is when you take credit for someone elses hard dont give credit to them.

  14. some ways you could avoid plagarism is rephrasing your sentences. you can also read the text think about what ou read and put it in your own words

  15. plagirism is bad because if you copy someone and they find out you will get in some serious trouble
    (not funny james)

  16. 2. One way you can avoid plagiarism is by citing your reference source.

  17. Plagiarism is when you steal someones exact words and you can get in a lot of trouble if you do it

  18. 2. a way you could avoid plagerising is that you could put on quotes and add where you got your information from

  19. 1.Plagiarism is copying people's ideas word for word.

  20. 2. one way you can avoid plagiarism is by citing your scources

  21. 2. One way you can avoid plagiarism is by showing who wrote what your copying and were you got it form.

  22. 1. Plagarism is when you take somebody else's writing peice and say it is your writing piece with out giving the writer credit.

  23. 1. Plagiarism is when you copy someones words exactlactly and if you you dont quote or write the author name you can get in serious trouble

  24. 1.plagiarism is when you steal or copy words from someone. If you plagiarize you will get kicked out of school and in a HUGE BIG trouble.

  25. 2. to prevent plagiarism you can put quotations

  26. 1.If you plagirism you shoud name yor cite

  27. 2. one way you can avoid plagiarisam is not to take words from another person

  28. 1. plagrisim is stealing someones idea and you can get suded for plagrings

  29. 1. Plagiarism is when someone takes someone elses work and make it seem like it is your own. Also if your teacher finds out that you plagiagerized you can fail your class or if you are in college you can get kicked out.

  30. plagiarism is when u copy someones work

  31. 1. plaiarism is coping people also you can fail a classif you do that.

  32. Plagiarism is very wrong, and you can get kicked out of school.And it is JAIL worthy.

  33. Plagiarism is when you copy someone elses work and don't give them credit.

  34. Plagiarism is when you copy someone elses work and don't give them credit.

  35. 1. Plagiarism is when you copy someone and you don't tell where you got it.

  36. Plagiarism is when you copy someone's work. You can go to jail or get kicked out of school if you plagiarize. It is a very wrong thing to do. It is illegal.

  37. 2. One way you can avoid plagiarism is by paraphrasing

  38. 2- Some ways to avoid plagiarism is putting something in your own words.Also you can put qoutation marks and say who wrote the sentance or paragrhaph.You can change the wording so that you are not copying word from word.You can also give them credit so that you did not copy.

  39. 2. One way you could avoid plagiarism is by paraphrasing.Paraphrasing is taking work of someone else and putting it in your own words.

  40. 1. Plagriarism is when you copy someone's work and don't mention their name.

  41. Plagiarism is when you copy someone's work or idea exactly, and say that it was your work or idea. AKA stealing.

  42. Plagriarism is when you dteal someones idea without permission

  43. Some ways that you can avoid pladiarism are to not copy and paste information -RAIF LARSON

  44. 1. Plagiarism is when you copy someone work and you take the credit for it.Also when you your older and in collage you can get kicked out.

  45. plagirism is bad and if you do it you can get yourself into alot.

  46. One thing in the world that would happen if everyone plaiarized is that no one would know who the work really belonged to.

  47. 2. One way you could avoid plagiarism is by paraphrasing. Pharaphrasing is taking someone else's work and putting it in your own words.

  48. Plagairism is when you copy someone else's work exactly as you see it and don't give them credit.

  49. 2. Plagiarism is not good when you copy that persons words from the sentence or paragraph. So that is why you should never copy someones work.

  50. Plagiarism is an evil way of coping. Bad things could happen to you if you do it. You could use it on a paper you write, on a computer, and many other things. If a teacher finds out that you did plagiarized on a paper or assay you could get in serious trouble.

  51. Plagiarism is not good because there are consciences and you are coping.

  52. plagiarism is copying other people's work and you can go into jail

  53. Some ways we can avoid plagiarism is. First come up with your own ideas. But why would you want to take someone else idea anyway? I think it is more fun to come up with your own ideas.

  54. It is important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge because you could all do different things and then end up not being successful. Working well together makes a better, more successful, and more fun team challenge. - Delphine

  55. The date. You should always check the date the website was made. If the website was made to long ago then it probably is not true anymore.
