Good Morning 5th Graders,
Choose ONE question below to answer. Put the number of the question you are answering.
Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar before you post.
1. What is one way that you can practice good digital citizenship?
2. Why is it important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge?
3. Name one way you can tell a website is reliable.
2: It is important to work well with others during a team challenge because there can be a lot of disagreements and you may not be able to finish the challenge if you don't work well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because if you work with others you will do good nice job
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Delete1. One way to practice good digital citisezship is to give good reasons to disagree and also always be respectful. Also never say anything you would not want your mom or dad to read and nothing that will embarrass you.
ReplyDelete#3. Two ways tell a website is reliable is by checking the spelling on a website. Another way to tell that a website is reliable is to look up the website and to look for wrote the website and who wrote the imformation.
ReplyDeleteI agree because someone who doesn't spell correctly most likely doesn't know what they are talking about, and an expert on the topic will give better information than most other people.
Delete2. Its important to work well with your team during team challange beacause you can share your ideas and it could make your idea even better. You can do that by letting one person talk at a time so you understand them.
ReplyDelete##1 A good way to practice good digital citizenship is bye going on random blog and givivng a good job or nice work!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you more because if you compliment people they will compliment you back too.
Deletei agree because it is true and it is a good way to be a upstander insted of a bystainder
Delete#2 It is important to work well with others in your team during a team challenge because if you don't work well with your team they might not want to work with you so your whole team will be doing seprate things that don't fit together at all and you will loose points, this is important to know for real life to though because better you work together the beter the outcome of your work.
ReplyDelete3. One way to tell that a website is reliable is to compare the information to another website.
ReplyDelete1. One way to show good digital citizenship is to only type something that you would be proud to call yours. If you are going to respond only type something that you would want someone to type about you.
ReplyDelete#2 I think its important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge because then if you dont work well together then you will be confused of what your doing.
ReplyDelete1. You could practice good digital citizenship is by not plagiarizing.
ReplyDelete2. It's good to work well with your team during a team challenge because they are their to support you, not fight with you. When you fight with your team you are just wasting time and you are most likely to fail,than succed. It feels good to know you worked well with your team!
ReplyDeleteCate I agree with this comment because when team members are fighting nothing good will come out of the project.
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ReplyDelete1. Some ways to practice good digital citizenship could be by respecting some ones post and not being inappropriate. Another thing you could do is write something that doesn't affect or harm anyone in any personal way.
ReplyDelete1. I can practice good citizenship by giving a detailed and kind reply to someones post.
ReplyDelete#1 I think it is good to practice digital citizenship because on the internet when you turn people down you will not feel good about what you said. Then the person you said the comment to they will not feel good about their thoughts.
ReplyDelete2. It is good to practice good teamwork because you can work nicley together and get team points. Plus you can prevent an argument.
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work well with other people during a team challange becuse, if you don't communicate with your team, your project might not work out as well as you thought.
ReplyDelete#1. Some ways to practice good digital citizenship is to be polite and dont do anything to insult anyone or anything. You should also read over your comment to make sure it is appropriate.
ReplyDeleteYou can practice good citizenship by working with all the people on your team and leve good comments on the internet.
ReplyDelete2. I think it's important to work well during your team challenge so you can finish with time left and make it the best it can be.
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ReplyDelete3. One way a website is reliable is if the website has true information about the topic. Another way you could tell if a website is reliable is if the website has a published date of when the information was published.
ReplyDeletegood job emmy
Delete2. It is important to work with others because two or more people can work better than one person doing something alone.
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work with others during a team challenge because you have to be open with ideas. So you can be more successful to reach your goal.
ReplyDelete1. One way you can practice good digital citizenship is by always being respectful to others and saying things that will not hurt anyones feelings.
ReplyDelete3.One way you can tell if a website is reliable by if it says .gov wich means government and if it has been updated recently.
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work with others during a team challenge because your group might have good ideas. Also the people in your group might have better ideas than you.
ReplyDelete2. It's very important to work well with others during a team challenge because if you don't work well together you won't have the best project you can have. Since you're not sharing ideas nicely, you will pretty much be fighting all the time and you and your team won't have a great output.
ReplyDeleteIts important to work well with others during a team challenge becuase the project you are working on will look horrible. #2
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work well with others in a team challenge in many ways. For example, if you and another person are fighting about something, you will not be successful and you are wasting time. Teamwork is the key to being accomplished and victorious.
ReplyDelete3. One way you can tell that a website is reliable is by looking at the bottem of the page and seeing all of the information about the website.
ReplyDelete1.One way you can practice good digital citizenship is by not being mean to anyone even if they're mean to you.
ReplyDelete3. One way you can tell that a wesite is reliable is because you can look for when it was published because if it was published in 1999 it could be unreliable and todays could be different
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work well with others during a team challenge because if you do not work with them your project or assignment your team may not be successful and the assignment will not have good effort in it.
One way to practice good ditital citenship is oing on a blog or chatroom and leave nice comments!
ReplyDelete3. You can tell that a website is reliable by seraching up reviews on the website or the organization to see if they are well known. For example:National Geographic.
DeleteYou can see if a website is reliable by looking for grammar mistakes and seeing if the website gives you good information.
#3. One way you can tell that a website is reliable is if they have recently updated the website.
ReplyDelete2. If you have a person on your team that you may not or have issues or problems with you can choose to work it out or not talk to them so it wont lead to aruging and fighting
ReplyDelete3. One way you can tell a website is reliable is, the website will have a recent date that it was updated on and it will have recent information...
ReplyDelete#2. The reason it's good to work together in a team challenge is because it builds trust and also allows you to see how good you work with certain people.
ReplyDeleteGreat comment Thomas. It DOES build trust and starts good relationships when you work well with others on your team.
Delete#2 It is important to work well with others during a team challenge because you can get to know others and have fun.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work well with others during team challenges because it will help you in life when you meet new people.
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge because maybe others have really good ideas you can put on your work.
ReplyDelete2. Its important to work well with others on a team challenge because you may have an idea and you may think its a really good idea, but if you combine your idea with another kids idea you could make it even better. Also, you might be able to get a better score.
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ReplyDelete2. It is important to work well with others during team challenges because, you will get the work done and not waste time arguing.
ReplyDelete1. One way you can practice good digital citizinship is by not typing mean or hurtfull coments to friends.
ReplyDeleteOne way that you can practice good digital citizenship is to not hack other fellow digital citizens like a company.
ReplyDeleteI agree Angel! You should make the website stable enough so no hackers can make the viewers uncomfortable
DeleteYou can make sure that its reliable by looking when it was updated.and you can also make sure that the person who made the blog knows what he is talking about so then it will make sense.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the question number.
DeleteI like how you gave more then one reason.
Delete3. You can tell a website is relliable if the website updates daily or monthly, and has the writers information.
ReplyDeletePeter, you listed two good ways to tell--we call the amount of times it updates "recency" and the writer's information "authorship"--which as you know can also be a company name.
Delete3.One way to tell that a site is reliable is to check and see if the website has the date it was updated.
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work well with others in a team challenge because when you work well with others you can learn life leassons to help you in everyday life.
ReplyDeleteVery true Zoe, these team work challenges will help you later in life also.
Delete1) One way you can practice good citizenship is by not being a bully online. You can avoide reading mean comments, or tell an adult.
ReplyDeleteNumber 3.
ReplyDeleteOne way you can tell that a website is relliable is that you can check how long ago that website was updated. If it was a long time ago then that website is probally not that relliable. If it was a few days ago then it is most likely relliable.
It is important to work well with others during team challenges because if you work good you willget more accommlished.
ReplyDelete3. You can tell if a website is reliable if it has no spelling errors and it has correct information.
ReplyDelete#2 It is important to work well with others during team challenges because if you work well with others you can get things done quicker and eaiser.
ReplyDelete1. One way you can practice good digital citicenship by not cyberbulling and not making people feel bad.
ReplyDelete2] It is important to work well in a team challenge because you can be more sucsessful.
ReplyDelete2) It is important to work with a team during a team challenge because one day you'll have to work with some people like at a job.
ReplyDelete2. It is important to work with others in team challenge because you can combine what you are thinking with others.
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ReplyDeleteIt is very important to work with your team on team challenges because you are expressing your thoughts with your group. And if you work as a team you will finish your project quicker and easier!
ReplyDeleteIt is important because if you dont work well the assignment wont get done
ReplyDelete3.I can tell a website is reliable because of the copyright date and the way the website s written.
ReplyDelete3. You can tell if a webste is reliable by checking for the authors name at the bottom.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work well with others during team challenges because when you work well with others, you agree on an idea and the challenge will be successful.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work well with others on your team during a team challenge. This is because if you don't work together you can't make progress. If you can't make progress you can't reach your team challenge goals. Teamwork is very important!
ReplyDeleteIt is good to work with otheres because you and that person can work to gather and you can find out if you have the same things to gather and you can do it to gather
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work with a team because you can get more information from your friends
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work well with your team during a team challenge because working well, makes very good effort. When you and your team are fighting and disagreeing, you cant work good. Respect your team mates and you'll finish in no time.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to work with others during team challenges so you get good grades. Another way its important to work with others during team challenges is to learn how to work with other people.
ReplyDelete1. What is one way that you can practice good digital citizenship?
ReplyDeleteOne way I can good digital citizenship is I can give compliments, dont ask other people for their passwords, and help people out if they need it.
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ReplyDelete3. You should always if a website is reliable. One way you can do that is to check who the author is. If it is by a random prerson you may not want to rely on that site.