Hello 5th Grade!
We have been learning about Plagiarism in SPIRIT.
Please choose ONE question to answer.
1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?
2. What are some ways you could avoid plagiarizing?
3. Why do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?
We have been learning about Plagiarism in SPIRIT.
Please choose ONE question to answer.
1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?
2. What are some ways you could avoid plagiarizing?
3. Why do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?
I think plagiarizing is unethical because you are taking someones work, which they could have worked very hard on. If the world had many people plagiarize, the world wouldn't be fair. It would be a world of cheaters, people who steal other's efforts and call it theirs.
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DeleteYou are so right Alexa! I agree, good job! :)
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DeleteI agree!
DeletePlease remember if you comment on another's post, give a deeper comment other than "I agree", or "good job". Say WHY you agree (or disagree). The WHY is always the most interesting read!
Delete#1. If you plagarise you can fail the report or project and in collage or high school you can get expelled.
ReplyDeleteI think that plagiarizing is bad because you are not doing anything on your own and not learning about the topic you are doing.What would happen if everyone in the world plagiarized nobody could have their own work and never say that it is their work.
ReplyDeleteOne ways to aviod plagiarizing is to cite the book and or website they you are taking information from. Another way is to change the sentence.
ReplyDeleteWhat do we call "changing the sentence". What's the word we use in SPIRIT? It begins with Para____?
DeletePlagiarism is when you copy an artical word for word. If you do it you could get kicked out of school,you could also go to jail if your an adult, and if your a kid you could get a failing grade.
ReplyDeleteNice! I agree
DeleteThat's so true!
DeletePlagiarism is copying someone eleses work and claiming it as your own. You can get kicked out of collage and high school, and get into trouble in any other school.
ReplyDeleteI think that the world should not have plagerisers or the world might be in danger of alot of criminals and other bad people
ReplyDeleteYou could avoid plagiarism by giving the person who made it credit. Also you can use references to put the website or book credit and your teacher can go back and look back at it. One more way is go back to the website and copy the URL.
ReplyDeleteGood Lily!
Delete#3 I think plagiarizing is unethical because when your typing/writing sombody else found out your not giving them credit for finding the information and saying that you found it at the same time which is lying.
ReplyDeleteI think if there was lots of plagirizing in the world, the world would be unjust and the cells in prisons would be loaded with criminals and there would be no room for terrorist criminals leading to a world crisis.
ReplyDeleteJoseph, you make some good points, although I doubt that the jails will be that crowded just from plagiarizers!
DeletePlagiarism is when you copy someone's work and say it is yours.You can get sued or lose your college reputation.
ReplyDeleteI think plagirizing is bad because your stealling someones work and they might have put alot of effort into their work. Also you can also get in trouble if you dont site were you got the information.
ReplyDeleteGood Nicole. "Cite" is how it's spelled, and "a lot" is two words.
DeleteSome ways you can avoid plagiarism is by quoting the author if you want to use the exact sentence or paraphrasing the sentence you want to use.
ReplyDeletePlagirizing is when you copy someones work and say its yours what could if you do it is you can get expelled from a college. You can also get arrested.
ReplyDeleteI think plagirizing is bad because taking someones work or ideas that they put hard work into is bad.
ReplyDeletePlagiarizing is when you copy someone elses work. Also you can get arrested. And you can get exspelled.
ReplyDeleteYou can avoid Plagiarism by, putting text in your own words.
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ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when someone makes a informational website with facts and someone else goes on the site. They copy and paste all of the info that was on the site and dont even put it in quotes or your own words. I think this is very inferior to the person who wrote the facts on the site, and to someone who is reading the plagiarized work. You are basically stealing the effort from other people.
ReplyDeleteGreat Samantha. I like how you added your thoughts about the topic as well as explaining what plagiarism is.
DeletePlagirazing is when when you do no work and copy someone elses work and say that it is yours. What can happen when you do plagirize is that you can get expelled from a school, and college etc. Chances are you will get arrested.
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you take information from books,websites and people. When you plagiarize you can go to jail and get exspelled from school, even when you are older.
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you take information from someone and say its your own. It's very bad because when you get older you can get arrested for plagiarizing. Also when you get into college if a teacher catches you plagiarizing you can get expelled. So dont plagiarize becuase it's bad and bad thing can happen to you
ReplyDeleteIf everyone plagiarized nobody would learn because every time they would do a study they would copy someone elses hypothesis.
ReplyDeleteSome ways you can prevent plagiarizing is by powerphrasing, citing websites, books, etc. You can also stop people from plagiarizing their own work.
ReplyDeleteValentina, I love your spelling of the word "powerphrasing", but it's actually spelled paraphrasing. Good points in your post!
DeletePlagiarism is when you use someone elses work take the credit. If you plagiaize colleges can turn you down and expell you.
ReplyDeleteSome ways you can avoid plagiarizing by rewording someone's idea's in your own words.
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you copy some one's work. If you do it you can get arrested and you can not go to college and get expelled from school.
ReplyDelete2.Plagiarism is when you copy something and don't put the resoures you used.If you plagiarize you could get expelled from high school or get arrested.
ReplyDelete1. Plagiarism is when you copy or use another person's work and use it as your own. If you plagiarize you can get sued and you could be on probation in or out of school. It will also go on your academic record.
ReplyDeleteI think that your point is very interesting and it tells more than needed in the question which helps prove your point.
DeleteA way to avoid plagiarism is by putting facts into your own words or you can quote so the person reaing it knows it is from a book or website.
ReplyDelete3.I think plagiarizing is wrong because you should write our own work not,stelling someone elses. I think people plagairize because they are to lazy or don't think they are capable of writing as good as the other people.
ReplyDelete2. You can avoid plagiarizing by thinking of a quick summary and put in the facts with words that you can understand. Plagiarizing is very bad and if you do it you will get in big trouble. For example, you can get arrested or get in trouble by your school if you are doing a school project.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I wouldn't want to be arrested just for copying someone elses words or ideas.
DeletePlagiarizing is when you take someones work and call it your own.
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you steel someone elses words and say thair yours. If you plagiaring you can get sued.
ReplyDelete2. I think some ways that you can avoid plagiarism are, you can try to put the facts or information in your own words and also you can cite your resources and give the author credit for the facts you used from their book or webpage.
ReplyDeleteVery good John.
Delete1. If you plagirize you can get in alot of trouble, you can also get sued and you may not have a chance to go to college.
ReplyDelete2. Some ways you can stop plagiarizing is to site your sources when you do a project.
ReplyDeleteKali, that's a great idea. I would use that too because it will help a lot!
Delete1. Plagiarizing is when you take someone's information and not make a citation. If you get caught you can get arrested and not get into college.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good idea beacuseyou have all true facts.
Delete1. Plagiarism is when you copy and paste someone's work. If you plagiarize, you can't get into collage and you can get into big trouble.
ReplyDelete2. Plagairism is when you take credit for someone elses idea and don't give them credit. The reason this is bad is because you can get sued or sent to jail for copyright reasons.
ReplyDelete1. Plagiarizing is when you copy someones effort in work. It is very big problem because you can get arrested.
ReplyDelete2. One way to avoid plagiarism is to put quotes. Another way is to make citations.
ReplyDeleteIf you plagiarize,you are taking someones work and you can make lots of cash while the real creator is disappointed.
ReplyDelete2. You can avoid plagarizing by looking at a statement I like and try to make it my own. I use this stratgey my self to avoid plagiarism.
ReplyDelete2. One way you can avoid plagiarizing is by not copying and pasteing from cites.
ReplyDeleteTo avoid plagiarizing, is to think of what the person said and how to think of what you would have said then write it just the way you would have wrote it
ReplyDelete3.plagiarism isn't the right thing because taking credit for that anything that isn't yours is not fair to the person who made it or to you because,A,you dont learn anything,and B,the person who made it would be mad. In a world with plagiarism everything would keep on being invented and soon no one would be important anymore
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you copy a book or a movie thats already been made so if i wrote a book thats been wrote i plagiarized
ReplyDeleteHello 5th Graders...good comments for the most part. A few reminders:
ReplyDelete1. Please check your spelling BEFORE you post.
2. Try to go deeper. Most of you mentioned that you could get expelled or arrested for plagiarism, but only some of you mentioned that it is unfair to those whose words or ideas are being stolen. Keep that in mind for when you work on your research.
3. If you comment on someone else's post, please say WHY you agree or disagree.
1. If you plagiarize when your in college you can get arrested or even get kicked out of your college no matter what. Plagiarism could possibly ruin your whole life because it will go on your records and you may never be allowed to go to another college.
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you copy information from a website. If you plagiarize, you can go to jail. If you are a kid, you might just get a warning since you are still young.
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is bad thing to do. You can get cought in many ways. For an example you can get kicked out of collage and set a bad exaple for yunger kids. Another example is you could get bad grades in school. The final example is you can get a call from the cops.
ReplyDeleteYou could avoid plagiarism by telling people when they plagiarise write the website with the anwser you got.
ReplyDeleteplagiarism is when you copy someones writeing and when you plagiarize you will not get into a good college and if your in college you would get kicked out.
ReplyDelete1.Plagiarism is when you copy someone else is work and take credit for the A plus work. If you plagiarize you have a possibility of not getting into a good college or you can get arrested!
ReplyDeleteI think Plagiarism in bad. It is copping things that people already wrote. If i did it i would be in trouble
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is bad, you potentially can get arrested there's downsides in that by going to prison or jail.
ReplyDelete1. What is plagiarism and what could happen if you do it?
ReplyDeletePlagiarism is when you take someone's work then claim it as your own. If you plagiarize there could be big punishments it really all depends how old you are. If you need the information you should give credit to the actual author and make the statement in quotes. You could get suspended from school , or if you are applying for a college you might not get it because you plagiarized . When you are young you get a warning but if you are older you could go to jail.
Question Three
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think plagiarizing unethical? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?
Plagiarizing is wrong and should be stopped. If you wrote an amazing paper on an amanzing topic, then your friend copied your paper and gave you no credit, you would be devistated. If everyone in the world plagarized there would be no new information in the world. that is why stopping plagarizing is very inportant to the world.
You have a few spelling errors, but I totally agree with you. Stopping plagarizing is very important, the world would change if people stop!
Delete2.You can avoid plaigiarizing by researching the information you need on the internet or in a book then collect all the information and make it your own.
ReplyDelete#3. One way you can tell that a website is a reliable site is if the information tells about the topic
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think plagiarizing is unethical (not doing the right thing)? What would happen in a world where many people plagiarized?
ReplyDeleteI think that if lots of people plagarized then if someone is going to the web to find true infomation and the plagarize you then ther infomation is wrong.